bark up our tree
Barking Lot Day Care
Monday - Friday: 06:00 - 18:00
Saturday: 10:00 - 14:00
Sunday: Closed
Closed on public holidays
The Bark Bus:
Monday - Friday
06:00 – 09:00
15:00 – 18:00
No Bark Bus on Saturdays
+27 (0) 64 881 6588

More details

Frequently Asked Questions
Do all the dogs play together?
All free play is directly supervised by our carers and we go to great lengths to ensure that play buddies are matched in terms of size, energy level and intensity. The smaller and more sedate dogs enjoy a “Chill Zone” where they can socialize at a calmer pace. We ensure that every single dog is always enjoying themselves and do not allow smaller/quieter dogs to get overwhelmed by larger/more active dogs.
What are the entry requirements?
All dogs must be current on the following vaccinations: Parvovirus, Distemper, Parainfluenza, Rabies, Leptospirosis, Hepatitis and Kennel Cough. Tick and flea control must be up to date – each dog is checked over at the beginning of the day and if they are found to have any ticks or fleas they will be treated with Frontline at the owner’s expense. Dogs must also be micro-chipped and wearing a quick-release collar at all times.
Is this a boarding kennel?
No - it's more like a nursery school for dogs! Our goal is to stimulate and exercise your dog in a secure environment and not merely to keep them confined.
My dog has health problems, can they still come?
This depends on the health issues. We accept epileptic dogs pending individual assessment and severity of seizures. We cannot accept diabetic dogs or any other dogs that require daily injections. Dogs with skeletal problems (such as hip or elbow dysplasia or arthritis) will have to be assessed on an individual basis. Dogs with communicable diseases or parasites will not be accepted. We are usually able to accommodate dogs with minor and non- contagious health problems, but this would be determined on an individual basis
Are the dogs always supervised?
Yes – there is always one Ranger for every ten dogs, and this Ranger directly supervises the dogs at all times. There are always additional staff on the premises in case of emergency.

I am not sure if my dog will enjoy Day Care -Can I have a trial?
With the greatest of pleasure! If you would like to enlist in a trial day you are welcome to do so at a cost.
It is very unlikely, but your dog may not like Day Care. We want your dog to be happy as much as you do, so if we feel they are not enjoying Day Care you will be the first to know.
Can I visit Day Care for a tour?
Absolutely! You are more than welcome to come along and have a look – please call for an appointment.
Why is my dog tired when they get home?
This is one of the great benefits of Day Care! Your dog gets to play all day so naturally they are tired at the end of the day. Often, when your take your dog home, they will curl up and go to sleep.
Should I bring anything for my dog?
You are welcome to bring your dog’s lead, blanket and special toy. Please ensure that any toys are “chew safe” and please be aware that items sent to Day Care with your dog are at your own risk. We provide general toys, chew toys and play equipment. We also provide all bedding in the play areas as well as water and water bowls.
My dog doesn't like other dogs. Can he still join Day Care?
Yes! He does not have to interact with other dogs. We have a number of grassed areas where your dog will still be kept busy and entertained within his own garden with some quality one on one time with one of our carers.
Are there any dogs that can’t join Day Care?
Unfortunately yes. Our reasons for these restrictions are for the greater safety and comfort of the other dogs and our carers. The following dogs will not be admitted to Day Care:
• Dogs who show aggression to people
• Dogs who are fighters
• Fence jumpers (our fences are 1.8m high)
• Dogs with medical problems as listed
• Bitches on heat
The following dogs will be admitted to Day Care on a trial basis:
• Chronic howlers or barkers (the stimulation of Day Care often solves this problem)
• Dogs who are sound sensitive or fearful of thunder (we can manage the problem by bringing the dog indoors as soon as a storm is imminent).
However if our management measures do not alleviate the dog’s stress the dog would probably be happier and safer at home during storms.
Do dogs ever get hurt?
Yes, sometimes they might get a bump or scratch, just as they may get hurt when playing at home. We endeavor to do our utmost to minimize any injury, and even minor bumps or scratches are extremely rare as a result of our management and constant supervision.
What do you do in case of illness or injury?
We quickly assess the situation to determine what plan of action to take. Our staff are all trained in canine first aid and CPR in the event of an emergency. We have a vet on call and depending on the situation, will either rush the dog to the closest vet (with whom we have an excellent relationship) or in non-emergency situations, will take them to their own vet where possible. We always try to contact the guardian to get their permission for our chosen course of action.
What safety precautions do you have?
Entrusting your dog to us is a responsibility we take very seriously. In addition to the measures already listed we also have:
• Constant supervision – one Ranger for every ten dogs, plus additional staff
• members on the grounds at all times
• Ensure all play equipment is regularly maintained or replaced
• A secure system for all gates and crates to prevent accidental escape
• Regular disinfection and sanitizing of play areas, equipment and bedding
• Vet on call throughout Day Care hours